Czech Yacht Club
documentary film
Documentary film about a wooden three-story shipyard, which has withstood floods, fires, political changes and pressure from developers for more than a hundred and ten years on the Podolský embankment under the Vyšehrad rock. It provides facilities for two hundred members, one hundred boats, several adult and youth boat classes. However, the shipyard of the Czech Yacht Club (ČYK) is above all a historical monument with a rich sporting and cultural history, which has brought together a number of important personalities throughout its existence.
Length: 52, Year: 2024
- theme and script Magdaléna Holá, Saša Dlouhý
- director, DoP Saša Dlouhý
- script editor Kristián Suda, Veronika Korčáková
- sound Saša Dlouhý, Václav Flegl, Dominik Dolejší, Michal Gábor
- edit Jan Daňhel
- music Ondřej Skala
- violoncello Sofia Sousa
- sound postproduction Dominik Dolejší
- data management Jakub Voves
- producer Saša Dlouhý
- co-producer ČT Martina Šantavá, Roman Blaas, Lucie Zvěřinová
- archives ČYK, ČT, NFA, Jan Šikl
- cast Hana Kábová, Josef Kába, Rudolf Holý, Zdeněk Davídek, Jiří Budák, Ondřej Busta, Martin Houska, Pavel Schwarz, Jan Šilhavý, Eduard Soukup, Tomáš Holý, Magdaléna Holá, Matěj Holý, Janek Holý, Matouš Hlaváček, Nathan Dlouhý, Kira Dlouhá, Adéla Beretová, Josefina Nebeská, Michaela Maršálková, Adam Vrána .........

Czech Yacht Club