About Us

About Us


Company Info

We are a Prague-based production company. We focus on the production and post-production of independent docs and feature films and supporting contemporary art.

During its existence, FREESAM has produced or co-produced dozens of films, for which it has won many awards and nominations both in the Czech Republic and at international festivals.

FREESAM operates its own studio, Khapka, in which it offers editing rooms, grading facilities, a small projection room with 7.1 sound, a sound post-production studio, and a dubbing studio for rent.

As part of its support for cultural activities, FREESAM organizes the NU’VEM residential program, which facilitates stays on the island of Pico for artists from all over the world.


Saša Sousa Dlouhý

In the 1990s, he started as a gallery owner and later, as a journalist, he concentrated on reports from cultural events. In the new millennium, he merged all his activities and began filming underwater for various productions. His collaboration with documentarist Roman Vávra resulted not only in making their own nature documentaries but also caused a thematic shift towards social issues. He is a founder of the FREESAM company.

Auteur films

  • Azory pod hladinou (Azores Under Water)
  • Valdéz: ráj velryb (Valdéz: The Whale Paradise)
  • Trafačka: Chrám svobody (Trafacka: Temple of Freedom)
  • Léto v Šanghaji (Summer in Shanghai)
  • Liebe Indigo
  • Je nám spolu dobře (Happy Together)
  • Bohu žel (God Forsaken)

Production and co-production

  • Flat 6 - directed by Adam Sejk
  • Somewhere Over the Chemtrails – directed by Adam Koloman Rybanský
  • Lidi krve (Blood Kin) – directed by Miroslav Bambušek
  • 73ᴼC – directed by Baz Dinka Shamoun
  • Hlasy přicházejí z dáli (Voices from a Distance) - Ahmed Al-Sabaiei
  • Za uhelnou oponou (Behind the Fosil Curtain) - Vladimír Turner
  • Maso (Meat) – Veronika Hlinková
  • Na věčné časy (Built to Last) – Haruna Honcoop

Nominations and awards

  • Revolver Revue Award
  • Andrej Nikolaj Stankovič Award
  • Czech Lion Award
  • Czech Film and Television Association (FITES) Award
  • Trilobit
  • Pavel Koutecký Award
  • Festival of Underwater Photography Tachov
  • International Festival of Diving Films Vysoké Tatry
  • Lund Architecture Film Festival
  • New Renaissance Film Festival
  • Worldfest Houston

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  +420 603 457 890

Sofia Sousa Dlouhý

She is a Portuguese actress, puppeteer and producer based in Prague since 2018. She has worked in several Portuguese TV series; she hosted and scripted a web show about Portuguese independent cinema; she has been the face of many advertisements around the world and has recently started acting in international film productions. She is the founder of the puppet theater company A Fantochada, where she has staged and performed. She leads a drama course at Charles University and manages the cultural program at the Portuguese Institute in Prague. In her spare time, she is addicted to traveling and plays the cello in The Ensemble Project. She is a partner of the FREESAM company since 2021.

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  +420 739 157 118

Magda Juránkova

Studied sociology and Spanish philology.
Works in theatre and film production. She has worked for FREESAM since 2016,
participating in the production of most of its films.

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  +420 777 232 673

Majda Holá

Studies sociology, specialising in qualitative methods. She left that pond years ago and since
then she has been navigating more or less distant waters, including documentary – whether
as an author or as a gofer, but best as an archive researcher. In that position, she has also
cooperated with Saša Dlouhý and his corporation FREESAM since 2010.

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  +420 732 673 196

Janáčkovo nábřeží 61
150 00  Praha 5
Company registration number: 28165403
TAX ID: CZ28165403

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